Despite a school’s best efforts, sometimes you simply have to teach a topic. Our curriculum materials provide worksheets for students to complete, with assistance from you.

Each set has guidance on the best way to approach the tuition

The student work contains explanations and guidance which a student can follow on their own. However, we also provide help for the tutor - suggesting ways to approach the work to make it more accessible for the students. We also include guidance on how long the work should take for an average student – providing useful information when assessing their progress.

If you are working at an education centre, then our approach allows group tuition with 1-2-1 support provided as and when required (see below for more information). Our curriculum materials assume a student is studying as part of a small group, so also include activities which can be worked as a group, in pairs and so on.

Each set includes a feedback process

Our feedback sheets are created specifically to work with the teaching materials and provide space to record feedback from both the tutor and the student. These are an excellent way to track progress and provide a great summary to show parents.

Each set recommends activities to enhance the learning process

Our individually designed resources are a great enhancement to any teaching process (see below for more information). Curriculum materials contain recommendations for suitable resources to use to vary pace and enhance learning. These come together with the worksheets and the small group approach to provide a multi-sensory approach to learning.

Resources: Our resources are provided in electronic format and you use your printer, a laminator and scissors to prepare each one. We also recommend the use of certain Learning Wrap-ups and a Reading AtoZ subscription (see above for more information).

Each set includes answers

We provide worked answers to the majority of the topics, or marking guidelines where a straight answer is not applicable.